Thursday, 9 June 2011


First time ever to write setelah berpuluh tahun hidup! i loves to read people's blog so why don't i have my own blog pulak kn ;) my 1st write dun really have a specific direction, senang cite pulun habis cite semua benda cz again this is my own intellectual property!

today my darling baby girl, Nina Adriana turns 4 months old...Happy month day anak! this lil' girl has changed me to a person that i never imagine i would be now. syukur, alhamdullilah pemberian tuhan yg sgt x ternilai (every mother will have this thought too rite!). even tho m a working mother, alhamdullilah cz Allah swt granted me the opportunity to witness my bby progress every single day. skrg adrin da pandai meniarap. adrin pandai meniarap n lepaskn tgn dr himpitan bdn nye sendiri on 30th May 2011 @ 5.30pm. another thing that i realized now, she's starts to use her sense of touch. da best feeling to have is when she touches my face which her small palm with those little tiny fingers scratch my face, grip my hair n hold my finger. ya allah nikmat x terucap :)

terdetik kat hati, ni lah perasaan mak aku dulu gak kn. since i gave birth to adrin, aku makin syg kat mak aku.sudah aku tahu pegorbanan yg dia lalui utk lahirkn aku kat dunia nih. allah maha besar kerana kau beri aku rase kesusahan n kesakitan yg mak aku rasai masa lahirkn aku. i miss mak so much. well anak beranak mane yg x selisih faham kn. masok hari ni da 4 hari aku x dpt berckp dgn mak (too personal to write what had happend). aku rase kosong sgt, slalu hari2 aku kol, sms, borak2, gosip2. but this few days, those activities x da. such a BIG deal 4 me 4 not doing those routines wif her. tak pe la...akan aku lakukan ape saje utk activate balik those activities! positive!!! :)

my 4 months old cutie pie with her Bug
those day